Master of Science in Environmental Engineering

The M.S. in Environmental Engineering is awarded to a graduate student after a demonstrated mastery of subject matters in environmental engineering and proven competence in the conduct of individual research that represents an original contribution to knowledge. There are five (5) tracks/fields of specialization:

  • Air Quality Management
  • Water Quality Management
  • Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
  • Geoenvironment Quality Management
  • Environmental Systems Engineering

The Master of Science in Environmental Engineering (M.S. EnE) program aims to provide advanced and specialized training in environmental engineering which includes water quality control, wastewater disposal and treatment, design courses in biological, chemical, and advanced treatment processes, pollution control, solid waste management, environmental impact assessment and related concerns. The two-year curriculum leading to the M.S. EnE degree is so designed that fundamental concepts of Environmental Engineering and their applications to environmental problems are given equal emphasis. To qualify for the M.S. EnE degree, a student must complete a minimum of 24 units of coursework and 6 units of thesis.

Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Engineering)

The Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering program was instituted in 2006 to provide advanced graduate training in the field of environmental engineering in the context of sustainable development highlighting practical research of special interest to the concerns of our country, the Asia Pacific region and the rest of the world.

Many critical environmental issues such as safe drinking water, solid waste disposal, hazardous waste and wastewater management, poor air quality, soil and groundwater contamination, and environmental degradation all require multidisciplinary and collaborative solutions. This interface provided by environmental engineering with other fields allow for interdisciplinary research and teaching that promotes innovation and sustainability.

There are two ways of entry for a student planning to take PhD EnE: either as straight PhD (graduate of BS course) or PhD after finishing MS degree. To qualify for the PhD EnE degree, a student must complete a minimum of 24 units of graduate courses (if one has a Master’s degree), or a minimum of 45 units (if one has a bachelor’s degree) with additional credit of 12 units of dissertation.